Owner Marek Aleksiun

Home Owner Marek Aleksiun

The owner of AMSC Laboratorium Technologii Materiałów Budowlanych Sp. Z o. o. is Marek Aleksiun, known as the author of papers as well as the new concrete technology solutions. He has implemented the concrete projects for investments such as:

• construction of Kwiatkowski Trestle Bridge in Gdynia, stage III WARBUD Warsaw

• reconstruction of the main breakwater in the Gdynia port Hydrobudowa Gdańsk

• construction of the ring road of Stawiski near Łomża. PW Mackiewicz, Budimex

• construction of the NATO naval port in Gdynia. Hydrobudowa Gdańsk

• Management Board of the Gdynia Port. PW Mackiewicz

• construction of the Sucharski road in Gdańsk. PW Mackiewicz, Skanska

• expansion of the station in Sopot. PW Mackiewicz, Mega

• construction of Lidl, a shopping center in Gdansk. PW Mackiewicz, Allcon

• WZ route PW Mackiewicz, Skanska

• construction of a tunnel in Solec Kujawski. Prefabet Białe Błota company, Eurovia

• expansion of the port in Kuźnica. Hydrobudowa Gdańsk, WMW Pestilenz

• expansion of the port in Hel. Hydrobudowa Gdańsk, WMW Pestilenz

• construction of a breakwater in Rozewie. WMW Pestilenz, Glembud

• construction of an intermodal rail terminal in the Gdynia port. Energopol Szczecin

• reconstruction of the Swedish wharf in Gdynia port. Building corporation Doraco

• reconstruction of Bulgarien wharf. Strabag

Skontaktuj się z nami


AMSC Laboratorium Technologii Materiałów Budowlanych Sp. Z o.o.
Mestwina 8/3

81-523 Gdynia




NIP: 5862286310 REGON: 221996675 KRS: 0000493929 Kapitał zakładowy: 28.100,00 PLN