The AMSC company is an independent research unit located at the Tri-City area. We have worked in the construction industry for more than 15 years. Our work is supported by the experience and passion. Since 2014 we have begun a consulting and research activities. Our laboratory is located at ul. Kepler 28.
See scope of tests we offer.
Testing of the characteristics of the fresh concrete mix
-Testing of the consistency of fresh concrete using concrete slump test PN EN 12350-2: 2011
-Testing of the consistency of fresh concrete using flow table test PN-EN 12350-5: 2011
-Testing of the consistency of fresh concrete method of slump flow PN EN 12350-8: 2011
-Testing of the consistency with the method of determining the degree of compaction PN EN 12350-4: 2011
-Testing of flowability of concrete mix using V-funnel PN EN 12350-9: 2012
-Testing of flowability of concrete mix using L-container PN-EN 12350-10: 2012
-Testing of resistance to segregation with sieve method PN-EN 12350-11: 2012
-Testing of the air content in fresh concrete mix with the pressure method PN-EN 12350-7: 2011
-Testing of the temperature of the fresh concrete PN EN 206: 2014-04
-Measurement of temperature in the structural element PN EN 206: 2014-04
Testing of hardened concrete in structure
-core drilling in construction PN EN 12504-1: 2011
-assessment of concrete in the structure (compressive strength) EN 13791
-assessment of concrete in the structures (freeze resistance ) PN-B 06250: 1988
-assessment of concrete in the structure (concrete resistance to exfoliation of surface) PKN-CEN / TS 12390-9: 2007
-assessment of concrete in the structure (absorption) PN-B 06250: 1988
-assessment of concrete in the structure (waterproof) PN-B 06250: 1988
Testing of cement
-Determination of strength PN EN 196-1: 2006 -Determination of setting times and stability of the volume PN-EN 196-3 + A1 2011
Testing of the physical and mechanical properties of hardened concrete
-Testing of compressive strength of hardened concrete PN EN 206: 2014-04, EN 12390-3
-Testing of tensile strength at bending (two point load) PN EN 12390-5
-Testing of tensile strength at bending (one point load) PN EN 12390-5
-Testing of tensile strength at splitting (cylinder 150mm X 300mm) PN EN 12390-6, ASTM - C496
-Testing of tensile strength at splitting (a cube of 150mm x 150mm x 150mm) EN 12390-6
-Testing of waterproof of the hardened concrete max W-18 (possibility of testing of 3 sets of 6 samples) PN-B 06250: 1988
-Testing of freeze resistance of hardened concrete (possibility of testing of 47 sets of 6 samples simultaneously) PN-B 06250: 1988
-testing of concrete resistance to the effects of de-icing agents CEN / TS 12390-9: 2007
-testing of absorption of concrete PN-B 06250: 1988
-assessment of density of hardened concrete EN 12390-7
-Determination of water absorption of masonry elements from aggregate concrete PN EN 772-11
AMSC Laboratorium Technologii Materiałów Budowlanych
Sp. Z o.o.
Adres Email: amscbiuro@amsc76.nazwa.pl
ul. Mestwina 8/3
81-523 Gdynia
Tel. 512-799-020
NIP: 5862286310 REGON: 221996675
KRS: 0000493929 Share capital: 28.100,00 PLN